Saturday, May 22, 2010

Announcements and date changes

Well, well, well. There's been a new development in the schedule negotiations. Saturday market in Hillsboro has a need for a demo chef to put together recipes with the cream of the crop. The focus is on easy, inexpensive dishes made with local ingredients. Do you ever wonder what to do with kohlrabi or rhubarb? What kind of strawberry dish is going to be worth your time to skip the satisfaction of eating them whole? I'm likely going to be the one coming up with new food every week!! This is the kind of creative position I would daydream about when I worked at the bank. I also can't wait for the food discussion that's going to inevitably happen, and the thrill of helping the farmers boost their sales. Unfortunately, if this works out, it means no crepes from the cart on Saturdays.

Finally, I have to say sorry about the market dates being changed around so much, we'll get the schedule solidified soon. Thanks for spreading the word about where I'll be--but at this point I'm not even sure where! Odds are the end result will be crepes at Orenco on Sunday and at Tanasbourne on Wednesday. Stay tuned.


  1. That is awesome news! You will have to keep track of your creations as the chef demonstrator, with photos... maybe you can publish a book with the resulting recipes/photos by the end of the summer? :)

  2. Maybe :) It definitely needs its own blog. There should be a book about cooking outside with no oven!

    My goal with this is to improve sales for the farmers so I'm hoping this will grow into bigger marketing opportunities.
